

Old MacDonald had a farm
And on that farm he had a dog
With a bow-wow here
And a bow-wow there
Here a bow, there a bow
Everywhere a bow-wow
Old MacDonald had a farm

Old MacDonald had a farm
And on that farm he had a cow
With a moo-moo here
And a moo-moo there
Here a moo, there a moo
Everywhere a moo-moo
Old MacDonald had a farm

Old MacDonald had a farm
And on that farm he had a duck
With a quack-quack here
And a quack-quack there
Here a quack, there quack
Everywhere a quack-quack
Old MacDonald had a farm

Old MacDonald had a farm
And on that farm he had a sheep
With a baa-baa here
And a baa-baa there
Here a baa, there a baa
Everywhere a baa-baa
Old MacDonald had a farm

Es una de las canciones más populares. Hay muchas versiones debido a que se pueden llegar a meter bastantes animales con sus correspondientes sonidos. Puedes jugar con el ritmo de la canción para que los niños ejerciten la memoria. El nombre del granjero es de origen escocés y significa "de la familia de..". Para hacerla más divertida y trabajarla con los más pequeños se pueden construir mascaras sencillas o algún elemento significativo de los animales que salen en la canción.


Group: Who stole teh cookies from the cookie jar?
Name stole the cookies from the cookie jar.
Name: Who me?
Group: Yes, you!
Name: Not me!
Group: Then who?
Name: Other name stole the cookies from the cookie jar.

Esta canción se juega con los niños sentados en un circulo. El profesor dice cual va a ser el nombre que se diga primero .El grupo preguntaran y dirán un nombre. La persona que sea nombrada será acusado. El grupo insistir. La persona volverá a decir que no otra vez y el grupo preguntara de nuevo.La persona a la que han nombrado antes dirá otro nombre de otro participante y se volverán a seguir los mismos casos.La canción se puede acompañar de ritmos básico hechos por los niños para así coordinar y que se les quede mejor tanto el ritmo como la letra, sirve para romper el hielo y se puede trabajar tanto con niños de preescolar como de primaria.


Are you sleeping
Are you sleeping
Brother John
Brother John
Morning bells are ringing
Morning bells are ringing

Para esta canción sería interesante llevar al aula una campanita y así conocer el significado de la palabra"BELL". Se pondrán todos en corro menos un niño que estará en el centro del corro tumbado con los ojos cerrados y la campanita en la espalda. Los demás niños cantarán la canción cogidos de la mano y dando vueltas, alguien del corro cogerá la campanita para esconderla detrás y todos pondrás los brazos detras. Una vez finalizada la canción el niño del centro se levantará e ira preguntando "Have you got the bell?".Una vez encontrada la campanita el niño que la tenía pasa a estar en el centro del circulo y se volverá a repetir.


If you're happy and you know it
Clap your hands (Clap, Clap)
If you're happy and you know it, 
Clap your hands (Clap, Clap)
If you're happy and you know it, 
And you really want to show it, 
If you're happy and you know it, 
Clap your hands (Clap, Clap).

If you're happy and you know it
Stamp your feet (Stamp, Stamp)
If you're happy and you know it, 
Stamp your feet (Stamp, Stamp)
If you're happy and you know it, 
And you really want to show it, 
If you're happy and you know it, 
Stamp your feet (Stamp, Stamp)

If you're happy and you know it
Shout "hurray"! (Shout "Hur-ray!")
If you're happy and you know it, 
Shout "hurray"! (Shout "Hur-ray!")
If you're happy and you know it, 
And you really want to show it, 
If you're happy and you know it, 
Shout "hurray"! (Shout "Hur-ray!")

If you're happy and you know it, 
Do all three (Clap, Clap, Stomp, Stomp, "Hur-ray!")
If you're happy and you know it, 
Do all three (Clap, Clap, Stomp, Stomp, "Hur-ray!")
If you're happy and you know it,
And you really want to show it, 
If you're happy and you know it,
Do all three (Clap, Clap, Stomp, Stomp, "Hur-ray!")

Es conocida tanto en niños como en adultos . Es pegadiza y rítmica.
Es un canto a la alegría. Se canta en corro y se van ejecutando las acciones que indica la canción.Lo mas importante a la hora de trabajarlas con niños es que se les queden los verbos que utilizamos para las acciones que ejecutamos. 


Eeny, meeny, miny mo
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers let them go,
Eeny, meeny, miny mo.
Fifty dollars every day.
My mother said to me
Choose the very best and you are not this.

Es el clásico "refrán" que utilizan las personas de estados unidos e inglaterra para escoger algo de una manera juguetona (ejemplos: zapatito blanco zapatito azul dime cuantos años tienes tú).
En el video adjuntado se puede ver que una niña más o menos de tres cuatro años se sabe el ritmo y bastante bien la canción, con lo cual nos da mucho juego a la hora de enseñársela al niño ya que es bastante pegadiza y con niños de tres años se puede ir trabajando.


Head, shoulders, knees and toes
head, shoulders, knees and toes.
and eyes, and ears, and mouth and nose
head, shoulders, knees and toes

_____, shoulders, knees and toes
_____, shoulders, knees and toes.
and eyes, and ears, and mouth and nose
_____, shoulders, knees and toes

_____, _______, knees and toes
_____, _______, knees and toes.
and eyes, and ears, and mouth and nose
_____, _______, knees and toes

Jugando con la entonación de esta canción podemos tener mas variantes a la hora de trabajarla en el aula. Depende de a qué edad vaya dirigidos haremos unos gestos u otro aumentando así la dificultad si aumenta la edad de los receptores. Siempre será bueno terminar con la versión lenta para que acaben calmados, cuando ya se la sepan bien podremos cantarlas con fallos para que así nos las corrijan ellos, a medida que se canta cada estrofa vamos dejando de decir partes del cuerpo quedando así sólo el esto.


The wheels on the bus go,
Round and round,
Round and round,
Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go
Round and round,
All day long.

The wipers on the bus go,
Swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish.
The wipers on the bus go
Swish, swish, swish,
All day long.

The people on the bus go ,
up and down, 
up anddown,
up and down,
The people on the bus go ,
up and down,
All day long.

The children on the bus goes,
chat, chat,chat.
The children on the bus goes
All day long.

The babies on the bus go,
"Wah, wah, wah!
Wah, wah, wah!
Wah, wah, wah!"
The babies on the bus go,
"Wah, wah, wah!"
All day long.

The mother on the bus goes,
sh, sh,  sh,  
sh,  sh,  sh,  
sh,  sh,  sh,   
The mother on the bus goes,
sh,  sh,  sh,   
All day long.

The horn on the bus goes,
Beep, beep, beep,
Beep, beep, beep,
Beep, beep, beep.
The horn on the bus goes
Beep, beep, beep,
All through the town.

We all go travelling by (Barefoots Books)

I spy with my little eyes,
You can hear with your little ear,
A yellow school bus goes beep beep beep.
And we all go travelling by, bye-bye,
And we all go travelling by.
I spy with my little eyes,
You can hear with your little ear,
A long blue traing goes chuff chuff chuff.
A yellow school bus goes beep beep beep.
And we all go travelling by, bye-bye,
And we all go travelling by.
I spy with my little eyes,
You can hear with your little ear,
A little green boat goes chug-a-lug-a-lug
A long blue traing goes chuff chuff chuff.
A yellow school bus goes beep beep beep.
And we all go travelling by, bye-bye,
And we all go travelling by.
I spy with my little eyes,
You can hear with your little ear,
A big white plane goes neeeee-owww.
A little green boat goes chug-a-lug-a-lug
A long blue train goes chuff chuff chuff.
A yellow school bus goes beep beep beep.
And we all go travelling by, bye-bye,
And we all go travelling by.
I spy with my little eyes,
You can hear with your little ear,
A fast orange car goes vroom vroom vroom.
A big white plane goes neeeee-owww.
A little green boat goes chug-a-lug-a-lug
A long blue train goes chuff chuff chuff.
A yellow school bus goes beep beep beep.
And we all go travelling by, bye-bye,
And we all go travelling by.

Hokey Pokey

You put one hand in,
you put one hand out,
you put one hand in,
and you shake it all about.
You do the hokey pokey and you turn around.
Everybody turn around.

You put two hands in,
you put two hands out,
you put two hands in,
and you shake it all about.
You do the hokey pokeyand clap your hands.
Everybody clap your hands.

You put one foot in,
you put one foot out,
you put one foot in,
and you shake it all about.
You do the hokey pokey and sit down.
Everybody please sit down.

You put two feet in,
you put two feet out,
you put two feet in,
and you shake it all about.
You do the hokey pokey and stand up.
Everybody please stand up.

You put your head in,
you put your head out,
you put your head in,
and you shake it all about.
You do the hokey pokey and sing a song.
Laa-laa laa-laa laa

You put your back side in,
you put your back side out,
you put your back side in,
and you shake it all about.
You do the hokey pokey and be quiet.
Everybody please be quiet.

You put your whole self in,
you put your whole self out,
you put your whole self in,
and you shake it all about.
You do the hokey pokey and take a bow.
Everybody take a bow.

The Weather Song

How´s the weather?
How´s the weather?
Look outside
How´s the weather?
How´s the weather?
Look outside
It´s sunny, It´s rainy
It´s windy, It´s cloudy
It´s snowy, It´s foggy
It´s hot, It´s cold. (X2)

Pin Pon

Pin PiPin pon is a toy and very handsome boy
He washes his little face at a really fast fast pace. (x2)
Pin pon combs his hair with his little hand
even thought it hurts stop he never says. (x2)
Pin pon give me your hand I want to be your friend
I want to be your friend until until the end. (x2)

Spring song

My most favourite season is
when all the flowers are growing
Aaah love springtime.

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